Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds: ARRA Implementation
Jurisdiction: |
Incentive Type: | Grant Program |
Industries: |
Infrastructure, Energy, Health And Safety
Category: |
Financial Incentive
Time Period: |
FY 2015
Governing Body: | US Environmental Protection Agency |
What’s it worth?: | Not mentioned |
The Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving funds: ARRA Implementation provides funds for high priority infrastructure projects focused on providing clean water and safe drinking water to eligible areas. Priority is given to small and disadvantaged communities and programs encouraging pollution prevention methods to ensure safe, attainable drinking water. Specific set-asides include:
- Indian Tribes/Alaska Native Villages
- Health effects studies
- Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring
- Small System technical assistance
- Operator training reimbursement
This program provides grant awards to states to enable them to provide low-cost loans and other assistance to eligible community participants in effort to provide funding for infrastructure projects that achieve or maintain SDWA requirements. Emphasis is placed on areas of less than 10,000 people and less affluent populations.
Eligible participants include publically-owned and privately-owned community water systems and nonprofit non-community water systems. Participating states must contribute a match of at least 20% of each grant into the fund. Loans given from the grant funds must be replenished to the fund account upon loan repayment to provide a continual source of financing for similar projects. Each participating state is responsible for developing a ranking system for loan qualification and eligibility requirements. Each state is required to:
- Ensure implemented systems are stable and adequate for the areas they serve
- Develop and implement maintenance strategies
- Adopt and implement programs for community needs
Typical project requirements include but are not excluded to:
- Applicant’s ability to self finance
- Project cost efficiency
- Proof of operator certifications
- Submission of annual operating budget
- Proof of accounting system
- Submission of Preliminary Engineering Report
Questions may be answered by contacting the DWSRF office.