Envision Gaza 2020

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Infrastructure, Health And Safety, Technology
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: Agency for International Development West Bank, Gaza USAID-West Bank
What’s it worth?: $5,000,000 – $50,000,000

The Envision Gaza 2020 program was established to assist the recovery, reconstruction, and redevelopment of Gaza by funding these major activities:

  • Water & sanitation
  • Private sector development
  • Health assistance
  • Humanitarian assistance

$50,000,000 has been allocated to Gaza 2020 program projects. The program’s objective is to create a sustainable option for vulnerable populations in Gaza including:

  • Households
  • Youth
  • Women
  • Other Marginalized groups

Program projects are expected to:

  • Provide basic humanitarian commodities
  • Increase employment opportunities through:

– short-term employment
– Paid internships
– Minor capital investments
– Job training
– Eligible participants include:

  • U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Non-U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations
  • U.S. Private Voluntary Organizations
  • U.S. for-profit organizations
  • Non-U.S. for-profit Organizations

Applications should be submitted on the ORS website and include:

  • A letter of support from the dean/chair
  • Project narrative
  • Curriculum Vitae

Additional directions can be found the website.