Hydrologic Sciences (HS)

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Technology, Research
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: National Science Foundation
What’s it worth?: $30,000 – $1,000,000

The Hydrologic Sciences program is geared towards liking fluxes of water in the environment. The program focuses on studies that identify how the water cycle affects the environment and how the environment affects the water cycle. The program supports studies that examine physical, chemical, and biological processes connected to water transport.

Eligible participants include:

  • Nonprofit, non-academic organizations

– Independent museums
– Observations
– Research labs
– Professional societies
– Similar organizations

  • Universities and colleges

– Two-year
– Four-year
– Community colleges

Funds may be provided to all levels of researcher that involve basic sciences, engineering, and mathematics. Proposals may be submitted at any time. Funds may be used for the study of:

  • Processes from rainfall

– Runoff
– Infiltration
– Streamflow

  • Evaporation and transportation
  • The flow of water in

– Soils
– Aquifers

  • The transport of

– Suspended components
– Dissolved components
– Colloidal components

This program has $10,000,000 to be allocated with awards ranging between $250,000 and $700,000 with a maximum duration of five years. There are no PI restrictions or limits nor are there any limitations on the number of proposals that an applicant can file under the program. Each applicant must include a proposal narrative with budgetary information and all proposals must be submitted before 5 p.m.