State Underground Water Source Protection Grant

Jurisdiction: Federal
Incentive Type: Grant Program
Infrastructure, Technology, Health And Safety
Eligible Sector: Government
Category: Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: US Environmental Protection Agency
What’s it worth?: $11,000,000

The Underground Water Source Protection Grant is provided under the Underground Injection Control (UIC) program. Eligible participants include:

  • Primacy States
  • Territories
  • EPA Regions
  • States
  • Local governments
  • Territories
  • Indian Tribes
  • Possessions of the U.S.
  • Public & Private Universities and Colleges
  • Hospitals
  • Laboratories
  • Public or Private nonprofits

Funds may be used for technical assistance efforts that:

  • Support UIC programs and water protection
  • Promotion of participation in meetings that protect drinking water sources
  • Support travel expenses to appropriate meetings for non-federal attendees

This program is an effort to provide leadership and support for high priority issues in regards to source water protection and collaboration efforts; other projects that are proposed as a key feature may be eligible. Awarded funds may not exceed $300,000 per year.

To apply for this program applications must be submitted through before the application deadline; hard copies must be mailed, not emailed or faxed. An application pack may be obtained on the EPA website and must include all the required documentation including:

  • Application for Federal Assistance
  • Budget Information
  • Assurances
  • Lobbying Form
  • Key Contacts Form
  • Preaward compliance Review Report
  • Narrative Proposal