Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) to Develop New Methods and Technologies for Assessment of Risk and for Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of Type 1 Diabetes

Incentive Type: Grant Program
Medical, Food, Health And Safety
Eligible Sector:
Financial Incentive
Time Period:
FY 2015
Governing Body: National Institutes of Health
What’s it worth?: $2,000,000

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) to Develop New Methods and Technologies for Assessment of Risk and for Early Diagnosis and Prognosis of Type 1 Diabetes program provides funding for type 1 diabetes early detection and risk assessments for early diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up research. Relevant topics include the development of:

  • Prediction, prevention, progression of diabetes techniques or products
  • High-throughput assays for autoantibody detection markers for diagnosis and follow-up
  • Point-of-care low-cost portable devices for at risk or diagnosis of diabetes
  • Methods to measure changes in the immune status
  • Non-invasive imaging
  • High-throughput assays based on biologic pathways

There are three types of applications allowed: New proposals (Phase I), Renewal grants (Phase II) and Resubmission applications. $2,000,000 is available for allocation into four to eight awards with typical award amounts of not more than $225,000 for Phase I projects and up to $1,500,000 for Phase II projects with project duration of up to two years.