Oklahoma Company Turns Towards Innovation and R&D to Help Boost Business
Oklahoma City-based oil-field manufacturer Kimray Inc. has begun an R&D project to upgrade its signature valves and other equipment to run on electricity instead of methane or compressed air.
“It’s just going to evolve. I hope we don’t ever have a timeline to when it will be finished,” said Mark Anderson, Kimray’s product support manager. “As technology improves, the things we’re able to do it will just keep going.”
The new design will further reduce emissions and give operators more control of their equipment remotely which will decrease the need for travel. Remote operation is also less expensive and safer.
“If you’re in the energy industry any length of time, you’re going to have people talk about safety,” Anderson said. “The most dangerous thing we do is drive. It’s not the pressure. It’s not the work. It’s driving to and from locations. If we can keep people off the road to make changes and monitor leaks, it will also reduce our environmental impact. That’s a key thing to what we’re doing.”
Kimray is proof that innovation isn’t slowing down with the downturn of the oil and gas industry.
“The downturn actually helped us to know we were on the right track, heading in the right direction,” Anderson said. “It motivated us to get things done and speed things up.”
Many other oil and gas companies are following in Kimray’s footsteps and looking towards innovation and R&D to keep things afloat.
The Oklahoma R&D tax credit is available for those companies conducting R&D within the state. To find out if your company is eligible, please contact a Swanson Reed specialist for further information.