With the world in utter turmoil over health concerns, we’re all looking to how we can improve our immune systems, and look after our bodies. But, this isn’t the start of this trend. [...]
New developments and research to America’s offshore wind energy industry will receive a significant books as the US government will provide up to USD $7 million in funding. The funding will be [...]
If you don’t have a green thumb, growing plants can be an absolute nightmare. The day has come where anyone, anywhere (yes, this includes the person who overwatered their grandmother’s African [...]
A Dallas-based vertical farming company is revolutionizing how food is produced. Eden Green Technology’s Crisply is flaunting its lush, emerald green produce as a cleaner and safer alternative to [...]
SolGro, a Fort Worth startup, has developed a greenhouse material using nanotech that converts sunlight from all colors of the spectrum into red and blue light, which just so happens to be the [...]
The world’s population is at 7.6 billion and growing. With more mouths to feed than ever before, agriculture needs to keep up with the demands. Bruce Rasa, CEO of a program development called [...]
If you’re redecorating your home, consider wallpaper; it may save your life. At the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor Ying-Jie Zhu and a team of [...]
Riddle time! What circles the Earth four times in the run of a year, uses eight percent of the world’s oil production and takes 500-1000 years to degrade? Answer: plastic. The world’s oceans are [...]
The frequency of natural disasters is on the rise in the United States. From Hurricane Katrina, to the more recent Hurricane Irma, the need for efficient, temporary resettlement for displaced [...]
Plastic. We use it in virtually everything from our toys, cooking ware, food packaging, and all else in-between. But proper disposal of oil-based plastics is an ongoing challenge, especially [...]